Depending on your role, Timesheets allows you to perform different sets of actions.
Accessing Timesheets
You can access Timesheets by using any device capable of running Google Chrome inside or outside the Pega network.
Timesheets Home Page Overview
The Timesheets home page enables you to access your timesheets, displays available time-off and timesheets statuses.
Timesheet Overview
Individual timesheets enable you to enter time spent on particular activities and plan your time-off.
Timesheets Workflow
The following figure illustrates the process of submitting timesheets for your manager's approval.
Timecodes enable you to enter time for specific activities.
Adding Timecodes
Timecodes enable you to enter time in a detailed way.
Removing Timecodes
Removing redundant timecodes increases readability.
Renaming Timecodes
You can personalize your timesheets by renaming your timecodes.
Rearranging Timecodes
You can personalize your timesheets by rearranging your timecodes.
You can enter, save, submit, and resubmit timesheets. If you are a manager or a delegate, you can also review timesheets.
Entering Time
You can either submit timesheets for your manager's approval or save them for later.
Recalling Pending Timesheets
Recalling pending timesheets is useful when you want to update an unapproved timesheet.
Resubmitting Rejected Timesheets
Your timesheet submission may be rejected. In such a scenario, you must correct and resubmit the timesheet.
Reopening Approved Timesheets
You may need to reopen an approved timesheet. For example, it may happen if you requested time-off in advance.
Reviewing Timesheets
As a manager, you need to review the timesheets of your direct reports. You can accept, reject, and suggest changes
to the timesheet submissions.
Reports and related reference resources contain detailed information about timesheets.
Reviewing Time Off Balances
The Time Off Balance page shows your time-off details. If you are a manager, you can also access the time-off
balances of your direct reports.
Reviewing Reports
Reports summarize timesheets data.
Reviewing Timesheets History
You can display the detailed timesheet status changes.
Searching for Timesheets
You can search for your timesheets and the timesheets of your direct reports.
You can give a Pega employee permissions to submit your timesheets and/or review the timesheets of your direct reports.
Adding Delegates
You can enable a Pega employee to submit your timesheets and/or review the timesheets of your direct reports.
Removing Delegates
You can disable a Pega employee from acting as your delegate.
Editing Delegate Settings
You can change the types of your delegates, and effective dates.
Timesheets FAQ
This section answers Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Timesheets.